Limited Authority to Teach
A Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) is a special authority granted by the Board to a person where certain conditions are met. The Board is of the firm view that it is in the best interests of Tasmanian students that all Tasmanian teachers are qualified, registered teachers.
In most cases, a LAT is granted as a temporary solution when a school or education provider cannot find a suitable registered teacher for a role. In all cases, LAT applications are initiated by the school or employer, on behalf of the person who may be employed.
The LAT Policy was revised in December 2023. A FAQ sheet is available to assist applicants and schools.
Key changes to the policy include:
- At the time of application, a mentor must be nominated to support School-specific initial teacher education (ITE) LAT holders for the duration of their employment at a school.
- The cap on maximum work hours has been amended to 0.6 FTE, for ITE LAT holders:
- an ITE LAT holder appointed to a School-specific, fixed-term role that is less than 0.6 FTE may also undertake relief teaching to a combined maximum of 0.6 FTE in that school, without needing to make a separate relief application
- an ITE LAT holder may increase their workload to 1.0 FTE during semester breaks (where they have completed all ITE course requirements to that point), without requiring an application for a LAT extension.
- LAT applications may be made at any time during the year.
- A LAT may be approved for up to 12 months from the date of approval.
- LAT applicants must meet the requirements of the TRB English Language Proficiency Policy.
- Following the grant of an initial LAT, fees are currently waived for any subsequent LAT commencing in the same calendar year.
School-specific LATs
Schools initiate the application for a Limited Authority to Teach in their TRB Online account, linking it to the potential LAT holder’s TRB Online account.
For ITE student, school specific LAT applicants, the school must nominate a mentor – to be noted in the supporting information accompanying your application.
The school/employer must also provide a case to the Board of why they cannot find a registered teacher for the role.
*Please note that the requirement to provide evidence of recruitment processes is currently waived until October 2024.
Non-government schools must email with details of their recruitment process and the outcome. The email must include:
- a list of candidates who applied but were found to be unsuitable
- the reason each candidate was found to be unsuitable
- a copy of any advertisements for the position and any relevant social media posts.
Government schools must email with details of their recruitment process, including:
- the names of all candidates that met the criteria
- the reason each candidate was found to be unsuitable/unavailable.
Note: An email of support for the LAT application from the relevant learning service is also required for government schools.
How do I apply for a school-specific LAT?
If you are applying for a LAT for the first time, create a login to establish an account in TRB Online. If you already have a record with us, log in or request a password reset if needed.
- The school needs your legal name and date of birth for this step
- You will be notified by email when the LAT Interest Application is created
- The school must nominate a mentor (including name and position) at the time of application
- Log in to TRB Online
- View and accept the conditions of the LAT
- List any completed qualifications and submit your LAT application
- Make a payment. The LAT application fee for the 2023-24 financial year is $169.29. You only pay for your first LAT in a calendar year. (See our Fees and Payments Policy for more information)
- If you are a University of Tasmania education student or have previously held a LAT, we will already have your documentary evidence on file. However, please check the evidence requirements to ensure that your evidence is up to date.
- If you are a new LAT applicant, you must provide the required documentary evidence to be considered for a LAT.
Documentary evidence requirements
All documentary evidence must be certified correctly to be considered by the Board. Please see our fact sheet on certifying your evidence correctly.
You must provide evidence of all names you have been known by.
A certified copy of one of the following documents is accepted for proof of identity:
- a full birth certificate (birth extracts are not accepted)
- a current or expired passport
- an Australian naturalisation or citizenship document (only valid for this purpose if it lists your place of birth)
If you have been known by any other names you must provide certified copies of documentary evidence of all those names. For example:
- a marriage certificate
- a deed poll
- a divorce certificate/order (decree absolute)
- other name change documentation.
If you are/have been known by a name, but an official name change has not been made, you must provide a statutory declaration clearly stating the name by which you are/have been known.
Please see our fact sheet on Proof of Identity.
Please list all completed qualifications in your TRB Online account. You must provide certified copies of all relevant qualifications.
For completed vocational qualifications:
- a certified copy of the certificate (testamur)
and - a certified copy of the accompanying statement of results
For completed tertiary qualifications:
- a certified copy of the certificate (testamur)
and - a certified copy of the full academic transcript(s) indicating that the award/degree was conferred/awarded.
If you are a student teacher applying for a LAT, please email your unofficial academic record to An unofficial academic record is one you can download from your university’s student centre. It confirms your course, the university you attend, your results, current units, your name, and possibly your date of birth. An unofficial academic record is the only evidence that can be sent to the Board by email.
In your email please confirm:
- how many units are remaining on your degree (including professional experiences)
- your expected completion date (month and year)
- your expected graduation date (month and year).
Note: In your email, please ‘CC’ the school you wish to obtain a LAT for so that they are aware of the stage of your progress through your degree.
If you have lived outside of Australia as an adult, within the last decade, for cumulative periods of 12 months or more, an International Police History Check (or its equivalent) is required from all countries you have lived in.
Please contact our Professional Conduct Team to discuss what documentation is required. Email
- When your payment is received and reconciled
- If you need to provide any additional information to the Board
- When your documentary evidence is received and processed
Every application is processed as quickly as possible. Your first LAT application in a calendar year can take approximately four weeks to finalise, however, many are finalised after approximately 10 business days.
When your application is complete (online application submitted, payment reconciled, and documentary evidence received in a standard required by the Board) we will generate an internal National Police History Check (NPHC). Approximately 40 percent of NPHCs are returned in 10-21 business days. Final approval of your LAT can only occur once we receive the NPHC, as we need to confirm your character and fitness to teach.
Please note
The school/employer must also provide a case and evidence to the Board of why they cannot find a registered teacher for the role*.
*In line with the Board decision in September 2024, the requirement for evidence of recruitment processes is currently waived until September 2025. Please note, an explanation of the need for a LAT is still required.
If the Board approves your LAT application:
- you will be notified by email
- the school will be notified by email
- log in to your TRB Online account to view/print your certificate. It contains the conditions of your approved LAT.
If the Board does not approve your LAT application, you and the school will be informed in writing.
Generic Relief LATs
A Generic Relief LAT allows the holder to work as a relief teacher in any Tasmanian school or college from the approval date for up to 12 months (or until they qualify for teacher registration).
Requirements for student teachers to be considered for a Generic Relief LAT:
- Successful completion of all units up to and including the (second last) professional placement of their teaching degree.
- Are currently in their final year of their ITE degree.
Generic Relief LATs are preapproved for University of Tasmania students who are in the final year of their education degree and meet the criteria set out by the Board.
Progress through your degree is verified with a current unofficial academic transcript from the University of Tasmania. The Board will check that a passing grade is assigned to:
- Master of Teaching: Unit ESH600 or EMT613
- Bachelor of Education (Primary): Unit ESH200 or EPR200
- Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood): Unit ESH307
- Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education): Unit ESP200
- Bachelor of Education (Science and Maths): Unit ESH213
Student teachers studying elsewhere in Australia can email a current unofficial academic transcript to to verify progress through their teaching degree.
How do I apply?
Applications for Generic Relief LATs can be made at any time. The Office of the Board has published a guide to Applying for a Generic Relief Limited Authority to Teach.
The Board cannot share the contact information of Generic Relief LAT holders. However, we can send an email asking Generic Relief LAT holders to contact your school if they are interested in/available for relief teaching.
If you would like us to contact Generic Relief LAT holders in your region on behalf of your school, please email and include the contact details of someone at your school.
We recommend all schools verify a person’s LAT status, registration to work with vulnerable people (RWVP) status, and at check least one other accepted form of proof of identity.
Schools can access a specific TRB Online account to verify Generic Relief LATs in their region.

Please note:
- A Generic Relief LAT only allows the holder to work as a relief teacher
- You cannot legally start relief teaching until you receive formal notification from the Board that your LAT application has been approved, regardless of the proposed LAT start date